Tag: Self-management

Engaging Children in Household Chores

How do we teach and motivate our children to contribute to the care of our home? Check out these ideas!

Finals Time! Supporting Children and Teens through the Stress of the Test

Today I am bleary-eyed as I attempt to get my work accomplished after a very late night supporting my son by listening to a speech he has to give – over and over. Now I know that “He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life” (wrote Ralph Waldo …

New Year Back-to-Basics Parenting

What are some of the basics of parenting for and with confidence? Consider these foundational ideas to get your new year started in a positive direction!

The Unforecasted Snowstorm of Feelings in the Holiday Season

Do you and your family get hit with a snowstorm of emotions? Here are some simple ways to manage, find the magic and build skills!

Transforming Whining into Positive Connections

“Mooooommmmm, I don’t want to do my homework,” seven-year-old Elaina says in a nasily, high-pitched, and sing-song (in a fingernails-on-a-chalkboard, not melodic) way. The powerful whine is wielded to get her Mom’s attention. And it works every time. How can you not hear, turn toward, and grimace at that tone? In fact, research confirms what …

Coalition to Provide the Facts about the Importance of Social and Emotional Learning

More than ever, the social and emotional learning of our children is of top importance!

Supporting Children through the Death of a Loved One

Children’s level of awareness with death is different from our own so how can we learn their perspectives to better support them?

Understanding Social Intelligence and Growing Skills in a New Day

How can we heal and rebuild our relationships after an elongated period of social distance?

Healthy Ways of Coping with Upset and Other Challenging Emotions

Have you created a simple healthy coping strategies list with your family to support you during emotionally-tough times? We show you how – in English and Spanish!

Parenting with a Purpose; Actively Promoting Racial Inclusivity as Integral to our Roles

How can we take an active role as parents in creating inclusion if we notice is not happening at school or in our community?