Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week! And a Big Announcement…

This week, we recognize the hard work and commitment of so many parents and caregivers who volunteer as coaches, as mentors, as room parents, as PTA members, and a wide range of other roles. As they do, they create more caring and participatory school communities and play roles that schools simply don’t have the funding or capacity to fulfill. We know that these parents and caregivers who are actively contributing to our schools have the potential to make a significant difference in creating a sense of safety, belonging, and community focused on our children’s well-being, learning, and thriving.

We realize that volunteering for your children’s school is a privilege and a luxury that not all can enjoy. For single parents, for parents who work multiple jobs, or in other circumstances, families care deeply and are passionate about their children’s education, but volunteering is just not possible. So to those parents and caregivers, we appreciate you and your particular circumstances. We plan to prepare parents who are able to volunteer with the skills and strategies to include all families including those who may not be able to attend events. If we learn ways in which to invite all in — in the ways in which they are capable — we’ll discover we are stronger together.

Check out the following video of parent school volunteers who answer the question: why do you prioritize volunteering? And then, check out the video after this one in which Jennifer Miller makes a big announcement!

We are so grateful for your hard work and passion parent school volunteers!

And for the announcement from Jennifer Miller…

Sign up below to get the first online tour in August!

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