Tag: Self discipline

Using Strange Calm

“Our Mom wasn’t like other Moms.” a twenty-something daughter of my mentor recalled. “As kids, when we were doing something crazy, she wouldn’t yell. She would get so quiet.” “And she moved really slowly.” added the thirty-something sister. “We called it her strange calm.” “And I guess it worked because we were weirded out by …

Strange Calm

“Our Mom wasn’t like other Moms.” a twenty-something daughter of my mentor recalled. “As kids, when we were doing something crazy, she wouldn’t yell. She would get so quiet.” “And she moved really slowly.” added the thirty-something sister. “We called it her strange calm.” “And I guess it worked because we were weirded out by it …

A Wish for Mother’s Day

My wish for Mother’s Day is that every Mom have an empathetic confidante who lends a listening ear. The sense of shared understanding and ability to be cared for and loved no matter what can help us all rise like a phoenix out of the ashes, better than ever. On the part of the listener, …

Language that Promotes Self-Discipline and Responsibility

I think of discipline as the continual everyday process of helping a child learn self-discipline. – Fred Rogers School has begun. After a few weeks pass, the excitement seems to wear off. Jumping out of bed may change to dawdling. After all, learning is hard work and attention to rules, the following of routines and …

Power, Control and Getting “Stuff” Accomplished

Ultimately, the only power to which man should aspire is that which he exercises over himself. –          Elie Weisel Our busy lives require that we move quickly from one activity to the next with our children. Get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth, put on coat, grab the backpack, go to school, go through …

Mine, Yours and Ours

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” –          Buddha No child enters their preschool or even early elementary school years having perfected the art of sharing. As parents, we are eternally frustrated by the “this is …

The Power of Self Control

We are the hero of our own story. – Mary McCarthy In the hero’s journey, an ordinary person is called through extraordinary circumstances to sacrifice a part of him or herself in order to serve the greater good. In doing so, the reward or victory is self knowledge and a demonstration of character that the …