Tag: Remind

Emotional Honesty

…When I want sincerity tell me where else can I turn? Because you’re the one I depend upon. – Honesty by Billy Joel1  “I’m fine. Really. Fine.” From that statement, are you convinced that I’m fine? Even without hearing the tone of my voice, there’s a clear subtext. “I’m not fine. I can’t bring myself …

Language that Promotes Self-Discipline and Responsibility

I think of discipline as the continual everyday process of helping a child learn self-discipline. – Fred Rogers School has begun. After a few weeks pass, the excitement seems to wear off. Jumping out of bed may change to dawdling. After all, learning is hard work and attention to rules, the following of routines and …


The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.  – Alan Watts From waking up to eating breakfast, playing with toys to going to school, homework time to dinner time, transitions punctuate every day. Because we are creatures of inertia (remember “a body …