Tag: Responsiveness

The Opportunity of Bedtime, Part Two — Troubleshooting Bedtime Challenges

This week two readers share their challenges with bedtime. Perhaps these problems are similar to yours? One feels the bedtime routine stretches longer and longer while she is tired and wants to move through it more quickly. The other receives calls after the “Good nights” have been said. Fears of the dark, a desperate thirst …

A Rush of Gratitude

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. – John F. Kennedy I came into the bathroom this morning a little foggy-eyed to put on my makeup and get ready for the day as my son was putting on his …

Healthy Relationships: The Cornerstone of Gratefulness

“You have brought yummy treats! You are so nice to share. But me, I have nothing. My cupboards are bare!” Mouse squeaks, “Don’t fret. There’s enough, dear Bear. You don’t need any food, you have stories to share!” His friends hug him tight. “It will be all right!” And the bear says, “Thanks!” – Bear …