Who Do Kids Admire? What Do They Worry About? And What Superpower Would They Choose?

It has been my great joy and honor to partner with Highlights for Children this week to launch the results of their 2018 State of the Kid Survey. This year, they polled 2,000 U.S. children, ages 6-12, and asked questions like “What do you worry about?” “What do you like about yourself?” and “Who do you admire?” We have learned a great deal from listening to children and discussing what might be the takeaways for kids’ top influencers – parents and teachers.

Don’t miss these video shorts of kids answering these questions. My favorite is when they are asked, “What super-power would you choose?” And then, check out my conversation with Highlights Editor-In-Chief Christine French Cully, a genuine advocate for the importance of listening to children’s voices, about what we can learn from children.

For more videos, takeaways, and other helpful insights on the survey results, check out the Highlights for Children State of the Kid site.

@HighlightsforChildren #StateoftheKid

Highlights State of the Kid Survey Announcement Today at 1:00 p.m. EST

Visit the Highlights for Children Facebook page at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time today to learn about what 2,000 U.S. children said about who they admire and respect, what they worry about, and whether they feel empowered to take action when they see an injustice.  Jennifer Miller of Confident Parents, Confident Kids will be talking with Christine French Cully, Editor-In-Chief of Highlights for Children about the results. Visit https://www.facebook.com/HighlightsforChildren/. And if you cannot catch the live announcement, we’ll follow-up with a link to the recorded video.

Learning is Social and Emotional.

The Aspen Institute’s National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development released some new tools and resources this week for parents, educators and all those serving youth (more shared below). They gathered a group of distinguished scientists together to examine how learning happens. Because these top scholars claim “learning is social and emotional,” I thought I’d quickly and simply lay out what that exactly means and why that’s the case.

Learning is social and emotional because…

  • a caring relationship allows for learning. Yes, brain connectivity is strengthened through that caring relationship.
  • love and care seal in memories whereas fear paralyzes learning so that in schools where children feel unsafe with their peers or teachers, they are unable to learn.
  • children, in their daily growth and development, attempt to follow their needs to exercise social and emotional skills but require adult modeling, support, and guidance.
  • the skills that are essential for healthy relationships and personal health and well-being are social and emotional.
  • the skills that are essential for success in our 21st Century workplace are social and emotional skills. To learn more, check out the article: The Surprising Thing Google Learned about its Employees — and What It Means for Today’s Students
  • children, teens, and adults alike are working on developing these dynamic skills such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
  • teachers’ sense of confidence and competence contributing to their sense of well-being are directly related to implementing social and emotional learning in the classroom.
  • parents’ sense of confidence and competence contributing to their sense of well-being are directly related to implementing social and emotional learning at home.
  • the impact of both parents and educators on children’s social and emotional development is greater when both work together collaboratively.
  • there is a wider societal and public health benefit. One cost-benefit analysis of social and emotional learning in schools showed a positive return on their investment averaging $11 in long-term benefits to every $1 invested (and if you read this blog and try out the practices, it’s free!). That’s because there are positive mental health benefits for both adults and students. And in their future, it promotes higher salaries and greater labor productivity and reduces high-risk behaviors like violence and substance abuse.

You can learn more from this report. Check out:

The Evidence Base for How We Learn; Supporting Students’ Social, Emotional, and Academic Development

Check out this awesome video on “How Learning Happens”:

And I was honored to contribute to the following tool for parents. The purpose of it is for you to have a simple guide to initiate conversations as a parent with your school whether you are talking to your principal, your child’s teacher, or your parent-teacher association about social and emotional learning. The tool is:

How Learning Happens: Family and Caregiver Conversation Tool

Here’s another great tool if you are advocating for social and emotional learning with your school or community. Here are the simplified facts on how learning happens, check out this document:

How Learning Happens: Fact Suite

Finally, check out this following revealing brief:

The Brain Basis for Integrated Social, Emotional and Academic Learning

Thank you, Aspen Institute’s National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development for these important resources!

Playing a Harmonious Duet: How Parents and Teachers Can Practically Connect Around our Children’s Learning

Did You Know?

Parents are more involved in their child’s education than ever before. In 2016, 89% of parents, grades K-12 attended a general parent meeting as compared to only 72% ten years ago. Additionally, 43% of parents took the next step and volunteered in school as compared to only 39% in 1996.1 Research confirms that the best predictor of a students’ academic success is parent involvement. Clearly, many parents understand that their role is critical and are increasingly becoming more involved.

Considering the importance of your role in your child’s education, why wait for a teacher to get in touch to begin the relationship? There are plenty of simple ways you can initiative and grow a partnership with your child’s teacher. The following is a proposed duet. First, you’ll find my recommendations for parents in reaching out and supporting their part of the relationship. Then after each parent tip, there’s a teacher tip – the 7 Essential Ps – along with key questions to consider and supportive tools too from Roger Weissberg, an expert and leader in the field of school-family partnerships and social and emotional learning from the guide, “Enhancing School-Family Partnerships: A Teacher’s Guide.2  Check out our harmonious duet.


Become self-aware. Have you faced difficult experiences in your own schooling with teachers? Have you been humiliated, criticized, or yelled at many, many years ago but can’t shake those recollections? You are not alone. Reflect on your own history with teachers. Those negative memories could be holding you back from pursuing a relationship. Just recognizing those past experiences and the feelings associated with them that might make you more cautious when approaching a teacher will help you become more self-compassionate. As you lean into this challenge, you can remind yourself that these individual teachers are new to you and have your child’s best interests in mind as you do. Take small steps and become intentional about getting to know this new teacher with an open mind and heart.


1st P. Partnerships are a priority. “The key to successful partnerships is mutual support and respect.”2 How can you reach out to families now to begin a relationship realizing that it takes time to build an authentic partnership? How can you seek input about your students to bring parents’ essential family knowledge into the curriculum? If you worry about parent criticism, how can you approach your families as brand new to learn about and bring your own empathy and open mind and heart?


Introduce yourself! It’s never too late. Find out one or two insights into who your child’s teacher is. Does she love ice cream? Is he a baseball fan? Is math her specialty? Stick around at drop off time. Shake a hand and introduce yourself. Start the relationship by making in-person contact. Then, pop the following simple tool into your child’s school folder along with a simple completed sheet about your own family. You and your whole family will get the chance to learn about your child’s teacher when she sends her form back completed.


2nd. P. Plan how you will reach out and establish regular points of contact. Relationships require regular contact so how will you regularly reach out to parents? And have you given them specific ways to reach out to you?


Find common language. Educators are required to develop a language around curriculum and instruction that serves as their professional lexicon. Because they are immersed in their professional setting – school – when you talk with them, they will likely use terms you will not be familiar with. What if you were trying to get to know a new neighbor who had just moved from France or only spoke a little English? You’d work hard to understand the essence of what she was saying to try and build a relationship. If you find that your child’s teacher is speaking in another language part of the time – we’ll call it education-ese – ask clarifying questions. Seek understanding. Don’t allow language to be a barrier. Be sure and comfort yourself with the notion that you are not alone. All parents are in the same position trying to figure out the world of education so that they can best support their child’s learning. 


3rd P. Be proactive and persistent. How can you look for ways to reach out to parents through different communication channels so that all are reached (email, phone, text, website)? How can you let parents know about upcoming activities well in advance of the actual events so that as many as possible can participant? And how can you gain parent feedback on communications so that you find out when information is clear and when clarifications are needed? And how will you find out if there are any families that speak a language other than English at home? How will you be certain they are communicated with in ways that are understandable and accessible?


Share Strengths. It may so happen that we meet the teacher briefly at the beginning of the school year and our next conversation will be at a parent-teacher conference where time is short. Teachers might deep dive into problem-solving making quick use of the limited time. However, parents need to hear about our children’s strengths in school. In order to promote their social and emotional development at home and at school, we need to understand what assets we can build upon to best serve our children. So be sure and begin with strengths whenever you discuss your child’s learning. You might share, “I see he’s come a long way in reading. He’s been working hard and consistently at home.” This becomes valuable insight for his teacher and opens the door to her sharing of positive assets she observes.


4th. and 5th Ps. P. Positive! and Personalized.

“Parents enjoy receiving positive feedback about their children’s performance – as any parent who has hung homework assignments, drawings, or certificates can attest to!” How will you share positive feedback on progress made? Check out the following tool from A Teacher’s Guide and have certificates at the ready! How can you specifically recognize the attributes of an individual student? Are there rituals or routines you can create for yourself to help you notice when students’ are showing their strengths? Checklists can be helpful reminders of the kinds of social and emotional skills you are looking to recognize. Check out this list from the Search Institute.

Teachers – Why not engage students in reporting on their own progress?!


Clarify roles. Students spend the first days and weeks learning from teachers about their roles and responsibilities. Yet parents, though they are also critical, get very little guidance on what roles they can play. If this is true for you, you can define your roles and responsibilities in the following educator-approved areas (links are provided so that you can learn more about each):


6th P. Practical and Specific.

“Parents are often most interested in specific information about their own child, and are very appreciative of personalized notes that demonstrate that a teacher has time and interest in addressing individual student needs.” How can you add a handwritten note to a more general letter home to specifically address a family? How can you offer specific feedback on the progress of individual students? Check out these pledges from the Teacher’s Guideone for teachers, one for students and one for parents – that clarify their roles and responsibilities specifically. Use as is or adapt for your own particular classroom culture. Also, for schools that integrate and are intentional about nurturing students’ social and emotional development, how can you use those systems and structures to involve parents (such as morning meetings, closing circles, hoping and dreaming, goal setting)?


Reflect. How did you feel about last year’s relationships with your child’s teacher? In what ways could you do more to connect this year to strengthen the partnership? Check out this brand new Family Caregiver Conversation Tool I helped create for the Aspen Institute’s National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development that offers seven areas on which to reflect in conversation with teachers including relationships, empathy, respect, responsibility, communication, collaboration, and persistence. Thanks, Rachel Bellows of Mind + Matter Studio and Pamela McVeagh-Lally for your collaboration on this! 


7th P. Program Monitoring.

“It’s important to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of school-family partnership efforts throughout the school year. Gathering parent input and feedback as a part of this process is essential.” To what degree do parents feel connected to what their children are learning? What are they interested in knowing? How would they prefer to be communicated with?

Producing a harmonious duet between parents and teachers takes intentionality, energy, and focus. But we know that we’ll see the pay off with our children. They’ll move smoothly and consistently from one caring support to the next. They’ll feel seen, heard, and valued and know that their vital influencers are coordinating with one another to ensure their success. I can’t think of a more powerful way to support safety in schools by promoting a connected community. I can’t imagine a more powerful way to support our children’s social, emotional, and academic success.


Want to host conversations with parents about their children’s social and emotional development in your school community? Check out the free Social and Emotional Learning Caregiver Discussion Series from the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, offered in English and in Spanish.

Special thanks to Roger Weissberg for the many resources shared!


Data for 2016: McQuiggan, M. & Megra, M. (2017). Parent and family involvement in education: Results from the National Household Education Surveys Program of 2016 (NCES 2017-102) [Table 2], Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2017/2017102.pdf.

Rubenstein, M.I., Patrikakou, E.N., Weissberg, R.P., & Armstrong, M.L. (1999). Enhancing School-Family Partnerships: A Teacher’s Guide. Chicago, IL: The School-Family Partnership Project at The University of Illinois at Chicago through the Mid-Atlantic Laboratory for Student Success.

Using the Family Peace Rose to Resolve Conflicts

“What do I do about my siblings fighting constantly?” I heard one Mom lamenting at a recent meeting. “Should I let them handle it? Should I intervene? I want to help them learn conflict management skills but I’m not sure how to respond.” Certainly, this is a common issue in family life. The reality is — fights happen. So then, how can we prepare ourselves and our children for them so that we can ensure no harm is done and our relationships strengthen and grow because of the way we respond to conflict?

This summer, I learned about a preschool that uses a Peace Rose to help build children’s skills. The application for families is easy to see. It can work for any age, preschool and up, between children or even between a parent and a child. Here’s how a Peace Rose can be used to help your children learn and practice valuable conflict management skills.

First, make a tissue paper rose. This can be an excellent rainy day project. Instructions on how to make one follow this article. (You can buy a silk rose too but there will be greater investment and concern for a rose that has been carefully constructed by your children.)

Second, make or find an unbreakable (yes, this is important!) vase. One can be constructed out of a decorated frozen concentrate juice can or empty milk carton. Or if you have a plastic vase that’s sturdy, that could do the job.  

Third, play act the process with your kids. Here’s how it might go. A parent might say:

We are fighting over a toy and I feel upset about it. I don’t want to fight. 

That parent picks up the Family Peace Rose. She might say:

When I hand it to sister Addison, what I am communicating to her is “Let’s work this out together.” 

Your children would then follow each of the following steps. Be sure and post the printable version of the steps (at the end of the article) so that they can follow along with you and after practice, use it as a guide to do on their own. Or if you have young children, play act and practice several times so that they get in the habit of the routine.

Step One. Breathe in the sweet smell. 

Ask both children to “breathe” in the beautiful sweet scent of the rose. Make sure you are in a comfortable, private location to talk.

Step Two. Take turns communicating feelings and the problem. 

Use this simple I-messages structure to ensure that your children are communicating with one another in an assertive, not aggressive way. This helps the individual take responsibility for their own role and their feelings while avoiding blaming language like “you did…” (which closes down the mind and ears of the other). 

Here’s how it might sound as you play act it out:

I feel frustrated and angry when you take my toy because I feel like you don’t care that I was playing with it. How do you feel?

I feel frustrated when you have the toy I want to play with.

Step Three. Generate ideas. Now it’s time to share ideas. How can you work it out? Can you take turns? Can you play together? Should you set a timer for the toy? Do you want to both play with something else and put that toy away?

Step Four. Try it out. If the children find an idea they can both agree to try, then let them go and try it. If they try it out and it doesn’t work, then get the rose out again and generate another idea that might work for both.

Step Five. Reflect. If they have resumed playing and seemed to have resolved the issue, to deepen the learning a parent can ask when you are cleaning up, “How did it work out?” “Was the idea successful?” “Would you want to try the Family Peace Rose again?” “What would you do differently next time?” This step helps children realize that they have gone through a problem-solving process. It helps them think through how they have done it and how they could use it in the future. If they have learned a new skill or process through the experience, the reflection will help them internalize and remember it for future instances.

Leave the Family Peace Rose in its vase in a playroom or main family room so that it can be easily accessed at any time by your children. Adopt this simple practice in your home and see how it helps family members better communicate with one another and work through problems. You might find your children working through their conflicts on their own while practicing critical skills that can last a lifetime!

Here’s the printable version of the Family Peace Rose Problem-Solving Process.

Here are simple instructions from Very Well Family on How to Make a Tissue Paper Flower.

Special thanks to Rachel Choquette Kemper and the Kennedy Heights Montessori Center for this great idea!

The Magic and Mishaps of Tweens: Understanding the Era of Social Awareness and Social Anxiety

“I had a dream that I told the girl I have a crush on that I liked her and seconds later, I watched as the whole world exploded,” my ten-almost-eleven-year-old told me as he was getting ready for bed last night. This morning, I noticed him spending time fixing his hair in the mirror, an act that, in the past, may have only occurred once a year for a big occasion like a wedding or major holiday. “I feel scared but I can’t tell you exactly why,” was another reflection he offered. Yes, for fifth graders and indeed, all the way from ages nine through fourteen as puberty begins, children are feeling a newfound sense of vulnerability and sensitivity. 

Younger children are busy with the work of figuring out who they are, what they believe, and how they can explore their environments. Their greatest learning comes from play. And their belief system – how they make sense of the world around them – is magical. Fairies are just as likely to show up at their breakfast table as their baby brother. 

As puberty begins around nine or ten, a child’s body begins the long (or short – depending upon your perspective) process of transforming into an adolescent on its way to adulthood. But the body is not the only aspect that is changing. A child’s ways of thinking, feeling, and perceiving the world is changing too. And though a tween’s brain is beginning a major reconstruction moving from magical thinking to the more logical thinking required of their adult years, that shift will not fully occur until their early to mid-twenties. So we witness phases – or stages – of those shifts in thinking.

Research provides helpful insight. Studies have found a direct correlation between a raised social awareness and social anxiety. As one increases, so too does the other.1 Why? The answer lies in the magic and the mishaps of middle childhood.

The Magic of Social Awareness

As our tween-aged sons and daughters grow in their social awareness, they can gain:

Empathy, or working to understand the thoughts and feelings of others, a learned skill. This is an ideal time to help cultivate empathetic thoughts in your child. Notice when others are hurting and question why together. Your child is capable of engaging in more in-depth conversations now about others than ever before. This “magic” is the very foundation of their social capital, leadership abilities, and healthy relationship skills for today and for their future. Try engaging in conversations about social issues that affect your family or friends. Ask questions to prompt thinking, such as, “What do you think that homeless person on the corner is thinking and feeling?” Marvel at their growing ability to deeply consider others and widen their circle of concern.

Compassion, or taking action from empathetic thoughts and feelings to provide help or support to another, or simply put: acting on empathy. When your child expresses genuine concern for that homeless person on the corner, what will you do about it? And more importantly, how can you brainstorm with them what they can do about it? Perhaps begin by taking a look at other youth who are serving their communities, raising their voices as advocates, or simply helping out where help is needed. Use your screen time together to look for inspirational models! I love this example at Pitt River Middle School. Check it out! 

Deeper connections with you, with friends, with teachers, with extended family. If you thought that no deeper intimacy was possible than that of your newborn baby snuggling up to your side, try discussing the meaning of life with a ten-year-old. Tens, elevens, and beyond are capable of far deeper insights into the human condition. They are curious about the world yet have not fully erected their emotional security walls from being rejected time and again (as later adolescents and adults have). They are open to thinking big and your exploration with them will open your own eyes to new ways of seeing and perceiving the possibilities. Middle school children, though they are weighed down frequently by the anxiety of their newfound social awareness, are also purveyors of hope if we only create the safe space for questioning and dialogue. If we can show we are receptive to their big ideas and big questions, our intimacy will deepen. And similarly, children can create stronger friendships and relationships with grandparents, with caregivers, and teachers through their ability to understand how others think and feel.

Deeper learning at home and at school with the asset of social awareness. Research confirms the conditions necessary for deep learning to occur. Positive relationships in which students collaborate with teachers and with one another is essential.2 And the emotions that are generated from a commitment to caring relationships – like love, belonging, curiosity, awe, and concern – are necessary for learning to take place.3 Children, though they are attempting to think more rationally, don’t lose their ability to believe in magic and think creatively. In fact, this ability to innovate paired with social awareness can be a powerful force for making a difference in others’ lives. Check out the video Ten Kids Who Changed the World and be inspired by our children’s awesome potential! 

Mishaps with Social Anxiety

As our tween’s social awareness increases, their social anxiety increases which can create:

Clumsiness in the spotlight. This could be a phenomenon you’ve experienced with your ten, eleven, twelve, or thirteen-year-old. To understand what they are going through, picture yourself going out on a theater stage with a spotlight lighting up just you as you look out on hundreds of people you know, people whose opinions really matter to you. Yes – your parents, your boss, your boss’ boss, your in-laws – the gang is all there watching every move you make. Does just the thought of it make you shrink a bit? Are you visualizing running off the stage, driving home, and burying yourself under your bed covers? If so, then you are experiencing empathy for your middle school child. Their new ability to experiment with and try to make predictions about other’s thought and feelings (note: those words are chosen because it takes a whole lot of practice to become skilled at accurately predicting others’ thoughts and feelings. We are not born mind readers!) make them feel self-conscious. And when you have a heightened sense that others are scrutinizing you, you make mistakes. You blunder. Go ahead and add a giant growth spurt and a surge of male and female hormones to the mix. Your child might be clumsy and painfully aware that he’s clumsy. 

What can you do? Oh, how they need Moms, Dads, teachers, mentors, grandparents, and others to reassure them that these changes are normal…that they are truly brave, strong, kind, creative, smart, and resilient! They are old enough to learn about their own development so learn together what changes they are undergoing.

Snap-back measuring tape phenomenon. While tweens are feeling increasingly sensitive to the perceived or real judgments of their peers, they are simultaneously attempting to mimic their peers and exert their independence from you. They want to pledge allegiance to the cool kids but when rejection strikes in any form, they snap back to you as quickly as a measuring tape falls back into its original state curled up inside its case. If we are caught unaware, this extending out and pushing away can hurt us. “Mom, no more hugging me when I come out of school and can you just wait in the car?” might be the kind of message we hear after a decade of hugging and eagerly waiting for their sweet face. And the snapping back can hurt us. Tweens can become highly emotional, need us desperately, and resort to behaviors that seem much younger than their actual age. Yet, this is a normal, healthy aspect of their development.

What can you do? You can adopt the mantra, “it’s not personal, it’s development.” Being aware and being ready helps extend your patience. You can remind yourself that it really isn’t about your connection to one another but about your tween’s growth and learning. Remind yourself of those times when you pulled away or ran back home when you were a similar age. Find empathy and offer compassion for all that they are managing.

Awkward attraction. This may be an understatement when describing what it feels like to see your friends and peers in a whole new light. These people are not just playmates, they are teachers. They possess all of the social capital and cultural wisdom of the young person community. Connection and belonging to peers is not just a nice-to-have, it’s necessary to survive in school. Yet, peers can smell desperation. So middle schoolers know they must hide if they can, their vulnerabilities, including crushes. They may just feel like their world is blowing up if they confess their attraction. So they feel the heat of the magnetizing pull to their peers while they push away and attempt to appear cool! 

What can you do? Normalize it. Otherwise, it’s easy for your child to feel like the only one who’s experiencing all of the social awkwardness. Share your best embarrassing stories. Share your social blunders. Laugh but also, share your empathy for what they are going through acknowledging that it’s an important step in figuring out how to have healthy relationships. Also, be sure and share what healthy relationships look like and feel like so they have a model from which to work.

Tribal survival. This may describe our children’s need and also, account for the sensitivities of our tweens. At times, we may wonder, “why did my daughter lose sleep over a simple disagreement with a friend? They’ll surely make up tomorrow.” Though we realize the sky is not really falling, the emotions felt by our middle schoolers are real and not over-dramatized. As our children gain an awareness of the larger world beyond our home and their school, they also begin to realize that they will continue to reach for independence. And as they push you away to become more self-sufficient, they know they are going to need their friends more and more as a necessary support. This is their tribe. And figuring out the rules of the tribe and how they can fit in is a critical job of middle childhood.

What can you do? Accept his/her feelings. Don’t roll eyes, minimize, or otherwise show that your tweens feelings aren’t real. The saying “name it to tame it” really works! Use more feelings words to build your emerging teen’s feelings’ vocabulary. At times, it’s a wild mash-up of emotions. “Seems like you are frustrated, hurt, and worried. Is that right?” Build your child’s emotional intelligence and they’ll feel more competent to ride the waves of their new insights with style and grace!


Benson, P. L. (2006). All kids are our kids: What communities must do to raise caring and responsible children and adolescents (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA, US: Jossey-Bass.

Durlak, J.A., Dymnicki, A.B, Taylor, R.D., Weissberg, R.P., & Schellinger, K.B. (2011). The Impact of Enhancing Students’ Social and Emotional Learning: A Meta-Analysis of School-Based Universal Interventions. Child Development, Jan/Feb 2011, 82(1), 405–432.

Elias, M. J., Zins, J. E., Weissberg, R. P., Frey, K. S., Greenberg, M. T., Haynes, N. M., et al. (1997). Promoting social and emotional learning: Guidelines for educators. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Featured In “Youth Connections” Magazine… Guiding Children with Tools for Success —

Parenting with Social and Emotional Learning

This article was written as part of a larger statewide awareness and educational campaign in Montana focused on parenting with social and emotional learning entitled “Parenting Montana” through the leadership of Montana State University’s Center for Health and Safety Culture. It begins…

“What was that noise?” I asked my ten-year-old son. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and I had all heard the heavy clunk, thud, thud, clunk that seemed to make its way from the second story all the way down to the basement. “We were throwing clothes down the laundry shoot. But then, we threw a toy.” explained my son. “See if you can find it in the basement,” I replied.

When my son and his younger cousin sheepishly appeared with a wooden dollhouse bed in their hands, the headboard was in one hand, the rest in the other, clearly broken. “Oh, that’s no problem,” said his kind Grandma. The younger cousin and my son were squirming, clearly uncomfortable.

“Thanks, Grammy,” I said. I know she would have been comfortable with simply throwing it in the trash, but this was an opportunity to teach responsible decision-making skills. My son had made a poor decision. And he’s likely to make many more in his young developing years. After all, mistakes are a critical part of learning. But I could guide him to fix what he had broken. And that fixing extended to relationships and feelings as well as an object.

My goal was to prompt his careful consideration rather than tell him what to do. So, E and I walked out of the room to a private space, and I asked, “How do you think you can make up for this?” He said he would apologize to Grammy. And he offered, “Papa can fix anything.” So, we went together to ask if E’s Grandpa might work with him to show him how to fix the toy bed. I suspect Grandpa enjoyed showing E how to properly sand down the wood, apply the glue, and clamp it together. These are the roots of responsibility. This is what it takes to parent in an intentional way that develops social and emotional skills within children.

According to the NBC State of Parenting Survey, parents said they most want to promote their children’s social and communication skills even above getting good grades or understanding technology. Parents recognize that their children need to learn to collaborate if they are to tackle class projects or survive and thrive in the modern workplace. Parents realize that children have to learn to manage the feelings they experience whether its anxiety, anger, or frustration in order to achieve their goals. And parents are also keenly aware that their children will only be successful in relationships with others if they can think and feel with empathy for others and make compassionate choices with consequences in mind. All of these are critical social and emotional skills.

In fact, nationwide, schools are increasingly making these skills a top priority. They are using evidence-based curricula at each grade level, pre-K through college, to teach self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making, as defined by the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (2016). Though referred to, at times, as “soft skills,” these can be the toughest – as in, helping kids build resilience, manage stress positively, and add to their inner strength – and also, the most critical, giving our children the tools they need to be successful in their academics today and workplaces and family lives in their future.

Research shows that this focus will yield higher academic performance. A meta-analysis, conducted by Joseph Durlak and Roger Weissberg (et al, 2011), of 213 studies showed that students who had social and emotional learning as a part of their academic curriculum scored 11% higher on high stakes achievement tests than those who did not.3

We, as parents, know that this is just as much our job as it is our school’s responsibility. The good news is that learning about what our children are working on at each age and stage can offer us empathy. Through that newfound understanding, we can discover teachable moments that support their growth each step of the way. The article lists specific examples of ways parents can build social and emotional skills at various ages and stages, so see full online article for all of the helpful tips!

Special thanks to “Papa” Phillip Miller for allowing the use of his story and photograph!

Getting to Know You — For Parents and Teachers

Here’s are Two Simple Tools to Help You Get to Know Your Teachers or Parents!

Maybe your children have started back-to-school and if they have not yet, it’s likely you are in the process of getting ready. Either way, over the coming weeks, families and schools will be focused on relationships. Introductions will be made. Students will meet teachers. Students will meet and greet one another. And hopefully, parents will also get the chance to meet their children’s teachers. These relationships are not just a “nicety.” They serve as the firm foundation on which students build their learning over the coming year. They add to our sense of safety and care.

Research shows clearly that students whose parents are involved in supporting learning at home and are engaged in their school community have more consistent attendance, better social skills, and higher grade point averages and test scores than those children without involved parents.1 Indeed the best predictor of students’ academic achievement is parental involvement.

Trusting relationships – which are essential to learning – are not built with one greeting although that can be a great beginning. They require multiple interactions and connections. They also require an individual or personal connection. Yet teachers and families are busy. So how can we make those essential connections at the beginning of the school year and build upon them throughout the coming months?

With that question in mind, I put together a few easy-to-use handouts. The first is for families to share with their teacher.

Why not be the one who reaches out first to learn about your teacher? Certainly, we, as parents, are curious, excited, or even nervous about who our child’s teacher is and how he or she will conduct classes. Here’s a great start. Place this in your child’s return-to-school folder or hand it to your child’s new teacher at drop-off time. Parents – here it is in a printable format! 

Parents, why not include one about your family with all of your strengths and information completed when you ask them to fill out one for you? Teachers and Educators, you likely already have a plan to introduce yourself to parents. But why not help them get to know you a little better in this easy way? In particular, this handout gives you the chance to highlight your top strength so that parents have the chance to appreciate you and the gifts you bring to your classroom from the very start! Teachers – here is a printable version especially for you to use! 

These can become the building blocks of a caring school community. Even if these tools aren’t right for you, how will get to know your child’s teacher this year? Here’s to learning about and understanding the individual strengths of teachers, students, and parents to establish caring relationships for a productive and joyful year of learning!


Henderson, A.T., Mapp, K.L., Johnson, V.R., & Davies, D. (2007). Beyond the bake sale: The essential guide to family-school partnerships. NY: The New York Press.


The Power of Introductions: Paving the Way for your Child’s New Friendships

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.

– Chinese Proverb

It’s been said that the sound of our own name can be magical. It’s often true and particularly so for a child. I remember the principal saying “Hello Jenny.” to me in the school hallway. And I was in awe. “The principal knows my name?!”, I thought. When your children are entering a new classroom and grade level, there will likely be at least a few new faces they will encounter as the school year begins. We, as adults, sometimes skip or simply forget introductions between children. Teachers may introduce themselves and miss out on the chance to introduce students to one another. For teachers in classrooms, after-school program staff, coaches for sports teams, or Moms and Dads picking up their children on the playground, ensuring that there are full rounds of introductions on multiple occasions is an essential step toward building a sense of connectedness and community. Our name is an important part of our self-identity. Learning names can be a doorway to building relationships. As educator and author Roxann Kriete wrote: “Naming is often the beginning of knowing.”1

However, name recall can be a great challenge for adults as well as children. Researchers found that when introductory conversations take place, people typically remember jobs and hobbies before they will be able to remember names. Psychologist Jeremy Dean writes that it has everything to do with meaning.2 We are able to better understand people or define their personalities through job titles or activities. A name like Anna on its own provides no specific information about who she is. Although it’s comforting to know that it’s human nature to have difficulty recalling names, it does not lessen the importance of knowing and using names in our daily interactions.

You can certainly give your child an advantage when walking into new environments and trying to make friends by modeling and practicing introductions. This summer, I stood around with other parents dropping off my child at a new camp — with unfamiliar staff and children. After no introductions were made on day one, I started introducing my son to a few other children and myself to other parents. I witnessed a substantial difference in my son’s motivation and eagerness to engage with the other kids and participate in the camp after the introductions had been made.

In teaching any skill, the best educators break down what adults may consider “the basics” into smaller steps and teach children each of the component skills. Try out these next steps with your children and see if they feel more confident starting school in the next few weeks.

Explore why names are so important.

For young children, rthead Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs  to kick off a conversation about the importance of names.3 Or go through the pile of stuffed animals in your household with your child (if your house contains many like mine) and make sure that each has a meaningful name. For older tweens and teens, tell the story of how you came up with their name. Why was it a special name for you? If you do not know the meaning or origin of your child’s name, look it up together.

Find a chance to practice an introduction and reflect on it.

Make it silly if you like. Introduce Dad to your daughter at dinner. Or introduce your favorite teddy bear to the rubber duck bath team. “Ted Bear meet Duckie.” “It’s so nice to meet you. I’ve already heard so much about your adventures together.” Reflect on what you did during the introduction. What did your body look like? Eye contact, leaning in and shaking a hand are all ways you can show you are interested in greeting another. What specifically did you say? “Hello, my name is Anna. What’s your name?” is an easy way to begin.

When making introductions, find out one thing about the other person.

Assist yourself and your child with recall by associating a person’s name with something meaningful about who they are. “What do you like to play at home?” or “What’s your favorite game?” might be standby questions for your child to ask to begin to get to know a person.

If you are playing host, facilitate learning each other’s names.

Playdates or birthday parties are times in which friends and family are brought together through a variety of contexts and may not know one another. Help establish connections by providing name tags. And before pinning the tail on the donkey, facilitate a name game to help children learn each other’s names. For ideas on a variety of name games, check out The Ultimate Camp Resource on Name Games.

And what if you forget a name? Help your child know what to do.

Those moments can be awkward when your child wants to interact with another but just cannot remember his or her name. What can he say? “Excuse me. Can you tell me your name again?” Practice and model this with adults when you have the chance so that he can watch how it’s done and be ready when he’s feeling uncomfortable.

And for educators and others who work with groups of children, remember it takes multiple exposures to a name to remember it. Name games such as those described in The Morning Meeting Book can be an enjoyable way to practice introductions, recall names, and get to know each person in a classroom community. One of my favorites is the simple Adjective Greeting in which each individual picks an adjective that begins with the same letter of that person’s first name. You can call me “Joyous, Jovial, and Jumpy Jennifer.”

Children who are able to recall and use others’ names demonstrate confidence and assertiveness. Using names imbues the greeter with the power to build relationships. However, the ability to introduce oneself does not always begin naturally or comfortably. Equipping your child with the ability to introduce himself will prepare him for entrance into any social context. How do you practice introductions with your children?


1 Kriete, R. (2002). The Morning Meeting Book. Turners Falls, MA: Northeast Foundation for Children.

2 Davis, J. Why People’s Names Are So Hard to Remember. Retrieved on August 14, 2014.

3 Whybrow, I., & Reynolds, A. (1999). Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs. New York: Random House.

Super Cool Back-to-School Tool!

Why not learn right along with the start of school about your child’s development and how you can be the best support?

NBC Parent Toolkit has produced a customizable back-to-school guide for parents and it’s super cool! You can select the ages and stages of your children. You can select the developmental areas you care most about like social and emotional development, academics, or health and wellness. And you can select high-interest or concern areas like mental health, bullying, or homework. Then, you get a specific set of tools, videos, tips and more according to your interests. Great idea, @ParentToolkit! Check it out!