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For Central Ohio Schools and Districts


Host In-Person Confident Parents Workshops to Grow School-Family Partnerships in Central Ohio!

“Jennifer Miller is an extraordinary consultant for she has in-depth knowledge about social-emotional learning and with a smile and great energy translates and transfers this knowledge to classroom teachers, administrators and parents. When you work with Jennifer, expect the best!”
– Elizabeth Ruppert, M.D. FAAP, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, University of Toledo College of Medicine

Every family culture is unique! But we are stronger when we learn from research and from one another how we can best support our children’s development at each age and stage. And if we come together as a school community, we can become powerful partners in supporting children’s development at home and at school.

Introductory (One Time):

Introduction to the Power of Parenting with Competence

Harness the power of social and emotional skill development through parenting. This highly personalized webinar that will help parents reflect on what their hopes and dreams are for their children. They will have the opportunity to learn about their ages and stages to support their individual developmental milestones. They will have a chance to become aware of their own parenting assets and the patterns they want to change to lead to a path of learning and improvement. Take away reflection questions and simple tools for tracking interactions will raise parent/caregiver self-awareness. (90 Minutes)

3-Part Workshop Series

Moving toward Hopes and Dreams with Child and Parent Skill Building

Nurturing trusting, caring relationships in a family takes effort. In this workshop, parents/caregivers will discover the connection between their specific hopes and dreams and building social and emotional skills. They learn new strategies for advancing their children’s social and emotional intelligence and their own in the messy context of family life to contribute to academic learning and family trust and cooperation.

Discovering How to Teach Children Healthy Ways to Manage Difficult Emotions

Big emotions can derail a morning routine and make us late for school or work! How do we help our children learn about even their dark, most complex emotions and ways they can deal with them that do no harm? This workshop will offer specific strategies and practice opportunities parents and caregivers can use right away. If we are able to use as toughest moments as teaching opportunities, it can transform not only our child’s growing self confidence but also our relationship.

6-Part Book Club!

Session 1 — Confident Parents Raise Confident Kids; How Do You Gain Confidence In Your Parenting and Gain Emotional Competence. Are there ways parents/caregivers can work toward their specific hopes and dreams for their children each day? Yes! This workshop will introduce parents/caregivers to viewing their daily interactions and even their tough parenting challenges through a new lens – the lens of social and emotional skill building. Strategies will be shared to try out right away!

Session 2 — Courageous Parents, Courageous Kids: Dealing with Difficult Emotions and Challenging Transitions. This session will include understanding each family member’s temperament (or natural emotional reflexes) that can lead to conflict without awareness. We’ll also look at ways that parents can model, coach, and practice with their children ways to manage even the biggest emotions like fear, anger, and more.

Session 3 — Learning about Supporting Development from Ages Infant through 7-years-olds. This workshop will help parents understand the specific developmental needs of younger children and how to support them.

Session 4 — Learning about Supporting Development from Ages 8-12-years. This workshop will help parents understand those middle transition years (the tween years!). This is a time of significant change and there will be many strategies shared.

Session 5 — Learning about Supporting Development from Ages 13-19. The teen years are also a time of major change in a child’s life. Parents often wonder: What’s my role? as teens become more and more independent and push parents away. There’s still a vital role. Strategies will be shared for creating trusting relationships and supporting teens through the roller coaster rides of adolescence.

Session 6 — Social and Emotional Intelligence for Parents; Honing your Own Core Competencies Especially during Tough Times. Because the first and most powerful way children and teens learn social and emotional intelligence is through modeling, we have to work on our skills. This workshop will give parents/caregivers new ways in which to approach parenting challenges that will hone their own skills and bring their best to even their thorniest challenges.

Learn more about Author, Child Development Expert Jennifer Miller!

Now scheduling for the 2014-2025 School Year!

* All workshops are ESSA Compliant (funding for school-family partnerships).

To get started or for more information, contact Jennifer Miller at

© Copyright, 2024, Jennifer Smith Miller. All rights reserved.

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