Grab the Bonus!!! Pre-order Today…

The countdown is on…

(yes, literally – check out my site for the countdown box!) to the publication date of Confident Parents, Confident Kids: Raising Emotional Intelligence In Ourselves and Our Kids — from Toddlers to Teenagers! In collaboration with the publisher — Quarto Knows/Fair Winds Press — we are able to provide bonus materials if you pre-order now.

When I surveyed parents about what they most wanted to learn about, they said, “we want to learn about our big feelings.” And when I asked which specific big feelings, they answered, “anxiety!” They wanted to know how we teach our children and teens to deal with anxiety and how we best deal with our own. So that’s precisely what I choose to put into the bonus material. Actionable tips ALL ABOUT ANXIETY – YOUR OWN AND YOUR KIDS! 

Place your order for the book today. Then, send your proof of purchase (a screenshot works!) to Quarto at the following address: and they’ll send you the bonus material within a day or less!

Want to know more about the book?

It answers the questions:
 How do we raise a confident kid? And how can we become confident that our parenting is preparing our child for success? 
Our confidence develops from understanding and having mastery over our emotions — and helping our children do the same. Like learning to play a musical instrument, we can fine-tune our ability to skillfully react to those big feelings that naturally arise from our child’s constant growth and changes, moving from chaos to harmony. We want our children to trust that they can conquer any challenge with hard work and persistence; that they can love boundlessly; that they will find their unique sense of purpose; and they will act wisely in a complex world. This book shows you how.
In it, you’ll learn:
  • The myths we’ve been told about emotions, how they shape our choices, and how we can reshape our parenting decisions in better alignment with our deepest values.
  • How to identify the temperaments your child was born with so you can support those tendencies rather than fight them.
  • How to align your biggest hopes and dreams for your kids with specific skills that can be practiced, along with new research to support those powerful connections.
  • About each age and stage — from babies to toddlers, to preschoolers, to school age, middle school and high schoolers — your child or teen goes through and the range of learning opportunities available.
  • How to identify and manage those big emotions (that only the parenting process can bring out in us!) and how to model emotional intelligence for your children.
  • How to alter challenging patterns we fall into to turnaround even our toughest moments into teachable ones.

This book represents the latest translation from science to everyday practice with countless small, simple ways in which we can promote the most critical social and emotional skills in our children to help reach our hopes and dreams today and for their future.

#parenting #parentingtips #SEL #mindfulness


4 Comments on “Grab the Bonus!!! Pre-order Today…”

  1. Hi,

    The email to send purchase proof does. It seem to work. Please see attached my proof and kindly send me the bonus material. Thank you!

    Best, Karen Liu

    > 13, 2019,

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