Say What?

Listening Illustr JSMAs we grow accustomed to having family members around more of the time with kids home from school or time on vacation together, listening may rise as an issue of concern. This article provides ways to bolster your own listening skills and teach and reinforce them with enjoyable games for your children. Wishing you a cooperative summer in which all family members feel heard and understood.

Most parents, particularly with young children, may feel like they are listening all day long. Because children are exploring the world around them, they may have many observations and questions. “Why are you going upstairs?” “What is Dad doing now?” “How many days until school is out?” and “Why is that bird chirping outside our window?” Though we perceive that we are listening regularly, often times, the reality is, we are not. Research reinforces that notion. The average person listens with only 25% efficiency.1 And no wonder. There are multiple distractions from people and media that compete for our attention. Listening is a critical skill for your children as they attempt to make friends, participate in family life and achieve in school. When your child does not listen to you, it can be extremely frustrating and sometimes dangerous if for example, you are warning them about a safety issue. Effective listening in which the person hears and understands what is said, can build trust in a relationship, reduce conflict and inspire a higher level of commitment to working together. Read full post.

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